Gone are the days when a healthy, stimulating, enlightening, and reasoned disputation could be had at the dinner table.
In my home as the children were growing, it was I, the free-spirited, maverick thinker, who could arguably be relied upon to supply some good ones. And I did so unhesitatingly.
It was good, I thought, to keep one’s friends and family engaged in mindful conversation where differing perspectives and beliefs could be discussed without judgement. Where time was given for all to formulate thought and opinion on a matter.
They didn’t always go down well. I had (and still have), a voracious appetite for politically incorrect topics that persistently challenged anyone who felt they were safe inside their head if their thoughts matched the group or tribe they most closely identified or associated with.
If there was a television in the home, as mine disappointedly did, and the adults present were on widely different spectrums of held convictions, there might be an exodus from the table and a flight to the big screen where brains could be shut off and emotions infernally stirred.
One hundred years ago, there began a renewed interest to consolidate nations under one command central. An organization formed out of the Round Table Movement and tied to esoteric doctrine that placed Britain at the nucleus of a system as old as ancient Rome. With branches all around the world, their concerted aim was to revive the dual practice of providing free wheat to Roman citizens (welfare) and extravagant circus games (sports arenas), as well as other forms of entertainment (Hollywood), as a means to gaining political power on every level stretch of the earth.
To undertake such a colossal plan, this system would be conjoined with the United States under the Anglo-American Establishment with protocols to design a counterculture re-directing and disengaging the patriarchal destiny of civilization.
The psychology experts were called in and the plan implemented.
The males of society were to be given a new outlet for their biological urge to aggress and compete. As boys, playing ball and engaging in healthy combat satisfied until reaching adulthood, when boys put away their sport and became men, involved in their roles as husbands, fathers and leaders making important decisions in and for their communities.
But that would all change. The cultural experts would see to it that sports for men would continue. Thus, they built large arenas with balconies to watch from and identify with their favorite “tribal” team they cheered on to win.
In the same way, voting was introduced dividing the public to push for their candidate who promised everything their tribal party stood for, while offering only what the protocols dictated after the puppet leader was installed. Vote, hope, repeat.
When radio arrived, it was put to its maximal use, sports for the men and soaps for the women. Television in the same way. And in the 50’s and 60’s, it really took off. Men were glued to their Saturday night sports shows.
Meanwhile, the personal lives of men were going nowhere. Becoming weak and disenfranchised, they were becoming helpless in their roles as strong leaders and defenders of truth, family, personal property and homeland.
They were no longer able to make their own decisions but relied on the (so-called) experts in every field that mattered. Parks and recreation areas, where the public met together to discuss issues related to family or ideas that exercised the mind generating inspiration and creativity, were now empty. People became tied to their television sets, lobotomized into an alpha or hypnotic state suitable for uploads from the programmers.
Television father figures, such as Walter Cronkite, an anchorman who stared at us from the screen every night at 6:00, told us what we needed to know, in a rather paternal, convincing manner. Why would they lie?
“Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given on the previous night’s news.”
But that was yesterday.
Today, we have His Censorship Lord, the Fact Checker. Aah yes, just check with His Eminence when you hear someone tell you a thing outside the permitted strait jacket of thought. So well connected are they serving in the ministry of truth, that you might as well have your brains uploaded directly to a computer via Musk’s Neuralink chips.
Wait, that’s the future.
Or are we now living in the future? The fact is the world is being driven toward a New Reset led by cultural industrialists, who are themselves led by world economic agitators, who are themselves led by The Illumined Ones, who are led by Satan.
So, if you can’t hold your family together because you’ve lost the will to lead, protect and love; or if you are addicted to porn, promiscuity, drugs, alcohol, painkillers, gambling, sports or the love of money and struggling to make sense of the world because you have lost hope — you might be a victim of psychological brain surgery with a prognosis for survival, slim.
The very good news is, there is an antidote very near to us, with a one hundred percent guaranteed chance of recovery.
The culprit is our propensity to disobey the truth. And the truth, which cannot lie is the Word.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me. And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. (John chapter 1)
There is no true and lasting freedom outside the Lord Jesus Christ. The god of this world has set up the system we all live under. And those who rise to the top of it rule over us — unless you are on to them. But that alone won’t save you. You must break free of the shackles that blind your mind and close your heart to the love of the truth.
Christ came into the world to save sinners, of which we all are by default. He paid a price we could not pay for our own sins. For the law of God requires death as the penalty for sin. Christ died in our place. But because He was sinless, death could not hold Him and he arose from the grave. That’s the gospel that saves! That’s salvation freely given to all who will trust it.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved! (Romans 10)